
Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Titainium Story

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I was at school this morning we were working on our class project,making our own instrument.I didn't want to so my eyes closed shut.While I was sleeping I heard banging.A few minutes later it went silent I woke up and I was in the hallway I felt scared and worried at the same time because there was a big mess it’s like the whole school was trashed.

I quietly stood up and walked past the teacher talking on  the phone to the police telling him to arrest me so I walked as fast as I could just to get to the door when he finally got out he quickly put his Benny on so nobody thinks or knows that it is me so while the teacher is speaking to the policemen I went and got a bike that was waiting to be rid on so I took it and rode as fast as I could as I went around the corner I never stopped no matter what because I knew that they were following me. When I got home I ran in and got my stuff and ran away through the back door and ran into the forest and ran for my life when I thought they couldn't find me I stopped and suddenly I got caught and they took me and I didn't know where I was they locked me away forever.

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